Joanna Maria Locus
Michiel Locus
( ... -
Maria Theresia Lodewyckx
( ... -
Charles Loecks
(31 JUL 1822
Anne Catherine Loeckx
(27 JUN 1789
Barthelemy Loeckx
22 APR 1676
Charles Loeckx
(31 JUL 1822
Christiaenen Loeckx
(26 MAR 1726
23 DEC 1790
Christian Loeckx
(9 APR 1674
Egide Loeckx
(ABT 1615
10 OCT 1669
Emerence Loeckx
( ... -
10 JUL 1884
Engellustus Loeckx
(21 FEB 1804
Franciscus Loeckx
(5 MAR 1774
30 MAR 1824
Franciscus Loeckx
(17 SEP 1860
Francois Loeckx
(12 NOV 1841
Gilles Loeckx
(5 OCT 1809
Gilles Loeckx
(27 OCT 1835
Jacobus Loeckx
(26 DEC 1826
8 MAR 1891
Jean Baptiste Loeckx
(19 OCT 1756
30 NOV 1846
Jean Baptiste Loeckx
(10 MAR 1814
Jean Baptiste Loeckx
(17 DEC 1854
Jean Francois Loeckx
(25 OCT 1790
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