Casper Andries Lingbeek
(ABT 1871
Gerdina Johanna Lingbeek
(3 FEB 1903
9 MAR 1978
Living Person (Index: 6346) Lins Vieira
Living Person (Index: 6347) Lins Vieira
Hermanus Martinus Linthorst
(11 NOV 1922
30 APR 1973
Living Person (Index: 6348) Linthorst
Living Person (Index: 6349) Linthorst
Living Person (Index: 6350) Linthorst
Living Person (Index: 6352) Linthorst
Living Person (Index: 6353) Linthorst
Living Person (Index: 6354) Linthorst
Living Person (Index: 6355) Linthorst
Living Person (Index: 6356) Linthorst
Living Person (Index: 6357) Linthorst
Living Person (Index: 6358) Linthorst
Anna-Maria Lissens
(17 SEP 1854
Barbara Lissens
(ABT 1710
3 JUL 1775
Elisabeth Lissens
(ABT 1569
Joseph Charles Litsmeyer
(ABT 1880
Marguerite (Griete Maroie) Lle Duchampes
(ABT 1470
AFT 1500
Adriana Locus
(ABT 1599
AFT 1 FEB 1637
Jan Locus
( ... -
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