Petrus Surkyn
(22 JUN 1897
Pierre (Petrus) Surkyn
(16 FEB 1753
24 APR 1801
Rosalia Surkyn
(11 DEC 1898
3 JAN 1899
Rosalie Surkyn
(11 JUN 1897
14 FEB 1975
Living Person (Index: 11400) Surleraux
Pieter Jacobs Suur
(11 FEB 1758
Trientje Swaak
( ... -
Simon Ariensz. Swaan
( ... -
Adriaantje Sijmonsdr. Swaan-Swaenenburg
(27 MAR 1684
Jan Gerritsz Swack
(ABT 1670
BEF FEB 1720
Carolina Swaelen
(1 MAY 1814
1 DEC 1850
Alphonse Ernest Ghislian Swaelens
(12 JUN 1896
Alphonse Swaelens
(20 OCT 1874
Angele Swaelens
(18 DEC 1901
Barbara Swaelens
(14 AUG 1873
Barbara Swaelens
(17 MAY 1854
23 JAN 1910
Barbe Swaelens
(9 MAR 1873
Franciscus Swaelens
( ... -
Franciscus Swaelens
(11 NOV 1821
Guillaume Ghislain Swaelens
(24 FEB 1880
Guillaume Swaelens
(9 SEP 1879
Henri Swaelens
(22 APR 1843
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