Marie Louise Leblicq
(20 OCT 1758
9 DEC 1819
Anne Marie Lebrun
Barbe Lebrun
(BEF 1570
11 MAR 1615
Dieudonne Joseph Gislain Lebrun
Emmanuel Francois Ghislain Lebrun
(11 MAY 1748
22 JAN 1827
Jeanne Marie Lebrun
( ... -
21 JAN 1824
Jehan Lebrun
(BEF 1545
Marie Therese Lebrun
Catharina Lecharlier
( ... -
Aurelia Ghislaine Leclercq
(ABT 1848
Jean Baptiste Leclercq
(ABT 1745
30 AUG 1813
Marie Anna Leclercq
(20 APR 1809
Sebastien Leclercq
(ABT 1812
17 FEB 1883
Barbara Philippina Lederom
(21 DEC 1824
14 APR 1860
Anna Catharina Leduc
(ABT 1809
Antonius Leemans
( ... -
Barbara Leemans
Catharina Leemans
(19 JUL 1716
23 MAR 1747
Christian Leemans
Elisabeth Leemans
(9 SEP 1811
Franciscus Leemans
(10 NOV 1682
24 JAN 1725
Francoise Leemans
(25 OCT 1788
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