Living Person (Index: 1998) Corthout
Jaques Cortillon
(ABT 1587
13 MAY 1653
Neeltgen Willemsdr. Cortswager
( ... -
Wilhelmina Cost
( ... -
Christina Costen
I.j. Costenoble
(ABT 1900
Marie Therese Costermans
Pieter Jans Costerus
( ... -
ABT 1672
Sytje Pieters Costerus
Margerite Jeanne Cosyn
(ABT 1770
Alexander Joseph Courbet
(14 MAR 1829
25 APR 1888
Alexandre Eugene Joseph Courbet
(5 NOV 1855
Jean Baptist Donat Courbet
(12 JUN 1788
2 JAN 1864
Octave Pierre Courbet
(26 JUN 1857
Pierre Phillippe Courbet
(22 MAY 1736
15 APR 1818
Sebastian Courtellier
(ABT 1613
8 OCT 1666
Marie Joseph Courtois
(8 MAR 1840
Anne Courtoy
( ... -
24 SEP 1732
Charlotte Couvreur
( ... -
14 JAN 1985
Marie Virginie Coyman
(13 JUL 1903
17 DEC 1953
Maria Crabbe
Maria Theresia Crabs
(10 OCT 1761
16 MAR 1816
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