Living Person (Index: 1161) Boogaerts
Lena Dirkse Boogerd
Elisabeth Boom
(2 DEC 1731
8 NOV 1757
Gerrit Klaasz Boom
( ... -
Siebe Boomsma
(ABT 1850
4 FEB 1936
Wietske Boomsma
(28 JUL 1888
Anna Catharina Boon
(20 SEP 1770
Barbara Boon
12 APR 1747
Barbe Boon
(3 JUN 1833
12 OCT 1875
Catharina Boon
(12 FEB 1853
Catharina Boon
(16 MAR 1671
Catherine Boon
(2 AUG 1802
26 DEC 1883
Catherine Boon
(13 FEB 1888
Charles Boon
Christine Boon
Dionisis Boon
(1 MAY 1644
Elisabeth Boon
(ABT 1597
AFT 1645
Elisabeth Boon
(4 OCT 1766
Franciscus Boon
(15 MAR 1852
Guillelmus Boon
(26 AUG 1764
Henri Boon
Henri Boon
( ... -
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