Authors' suggestion: State-to-state Scattering of Metastable CO Molecules from a LiF(100) Surface (Physical Review Letters / pdf file)

Molecular beam experiments and scattering studies with metastable CO


This web page describes our project on collisions of fully state-selected and oriented metastable CO with well-characterized surfaces. Key to the project is the ability to produce intense and pure molecular beams of state-selected metastable CO (6 eV internal electronic energy) using direct laser excitation, in combination with the ability to sensitively detect the metastable molecules with a high spatial and temporal resolution. The metastable CO molecules live long enough to travel the 70 cm distance from the laser excitation region through an hexapole focussing region, which transmits exclusively the state-selected metastable CO molecules, to an ultrahigh vacuum surface apparatus. The internal ro-vibrational energy as well as the kinetic energy of the colliding CO molecules can be varied over a large range and steric effects in the CO/surface collision event can be studied. State analysis of CO after the collision via laser ionization or LIF makes this a true state-to-state molecule/surface scattering study. First experiments on the scattering of metastable CO with a LiF {100} crystal surface yield the intriguing result that a large fraction of the metastable molecules retain their electronic energy in the scattering process, while translationally and rotationally being partially thermalized.

Molecular beam machine


The experimental set-up for the scattering experiments consists of a pulsed molecular beam machine that is connected to an Ultra High Vacuum (UHV) system as schematically indicated in Figure (see also the photo). A mixture of 20% CO in a rare gas is expanded into vacuum to produce a pulsed supersonic beam. Metastable CO molecules are prepared by direct laser excitation. The +parity component of the a3Pi(v,omega,J) level is populated via excitation on the Q2(1) line of the spin-forbidden a3Pi<-- X1Sigma+ transition using pulsed 199 nm (v=1) or 206 nm (v=0) radiation (about 0.5 mJ in a 150 MHz bandwidth). Subsequently, the molecular beam enters the hexapole chamber via a 0.8 mm diameter skimmer. Only the laser-prepared metastable CO molecules are bent around the beamstop with the electrostatic hexapole and are focused onto the 1.2 mm diameter diaphragm; a almost pure beam of metastable CO molecules, essentially free of carrier gas atoms and ground state CO molecules, enters the UHV scattering chamber. The averaged kinetic energy of the metastable CO molecules ranges from 31 to 114 meV. A cleaved LiF(100) crystal is mounted on a manipulator in the UHV system, 72.5 cm downstream from the excitation region. The LiF surface is chosen for these experiments as it is known that part of the metastable CO(a3Pi, v=0) molecules retains their electronic energy (6.0 eV) after scattering from this surface. The vibrational energy of CO (0.22 eV) might be conserved as well in the interaction with the surface, as high survival probabilities have been reported for scattering of vibrationally excited NO molecules from this same surface.

After scattering, both the vibrationally elastic and inelastic channels are probed in a (1+1)-Resonance Enhanced Multi-Photon Ionization (REMPI) scheme. The extraction assembly used for mass-selective ion detection is depicted in Figure. Both the v=0 and v=1 level in the a3Pi state can be probed using the b3Sigma+(v=0,1)<-- a3Pi (v=0,1) transitions around 280 nm as resonant steps. The 280 nm radiation is produced by frequency doubling the output of a pulsed dye laser system. Ions are produced in a volume close to the LiF surface and are extracted to impinge on a Micro-Channel Plate (MCP) detector. The angle of incidence is chosen to be 51 degrees, to allow free passage of the ionization laser close to the LiF surface.

Pulsed Dye Amplifier (left), Ring dye laser (right)
Ring dye laser (left) and Argon-ion laser
In these experiments a Pulsed Dye Amplified (PDA) laser system (Lambda Physik LPD3000), pumped by a Nd:YAG laser (Spectra Physics GCR-3 with injection-seeder), is used to excite the ground state CO molecules. The seeding of the PDA-system is performed with a single-mode cw ring dye laser system (Spectra Physics 380), pumped by an Ar-ion laser (Spectra Physics 2017). The output of the PDA-system (around 618 nm) is frequency tripled in the combination of a KDP and a BBO crystal, providing 0.5 mJ/pulse of 206 nm laser radiation in a bandwidth of 150 MHz (FWHM). The superior spectral brightness of this system compared to conventional pulsed dye lasers, makes this laser ideally suited for these experiments.

State-specific Lifetime Determination of the a3Pi State in CO

Two different techniques have been applied to measure the lifetime of the lowest rotational levels in the metastable a3Pi(v=0,omega=1) state of CO. First, measurement of the absolute absorption cross-section for several absorption lines of the a(v=0)<--X(v=0) transition yields an Einstein coefficient of A_{0,0}=97±3 s^{-1}. In combination with the experimentally determined branching ratios for the a<--X transition, the lifetime of each component of the a3Pi(v=0, omega=1, J=1) Lambda-doublet is determined to be 3.67±0.20 ms. Secondly, detection of the spin-forbidden fluorescence at two positions in the molecular beam downstream from the excitation region as a function of velocity of the molecules directly probes the exponential decay. With this technique the lifetime of the lower component of the same a3Pi(v=0, omega=1, J=1) Lambda-doublet is determined to be 3.4±0.4 ms, while for the upper component a value of 3.8±0.5 ms is found.

Two-Dimensional Imaging of Metastable CO Molecules

Direct time- and spatially-resolved detection of metastable CO molecules, prepared in selected quantum states via pulsed laser excitation, is experimentally demonstrated in a molecular beam machine. Characterization of the molecular beam in terms of parallel and perpendicular velocity distributions and rotational temperatures is performed. A direct two-dimensional (2D) demonstration of the mass-focusing effect in binary gas mixtures is given. Two-dimensional imaging of the spatial distribution of the metastable a3Pi CO molecules in the beam after passage through a hexapole field is used to study hexapole focusing performance. Structured 2D-images demonstrate the dependence of the focusing characteristics on the magnitude of the Lambda-doubling and on the angular dependence of the focusing force in a hexapole consisting of cylindrical rods.

Confining CO Molecules in Stable Orbits

A scheme is presented for confinement of neutral molecules in stable orbits on the basis of the linear Stark effect in a properly designed electrostatic trap. Based on Stark shift measurements in electric fields up to 140 kV/cm, an electrode configuration that is, under realistic experimental conditions, capable of confining metastable CO(a3Pi) molecules with velocities up to 22 m/s is described. Metastable CO molecules can be laser-prepared inside the trap and their trajectories can be directly visualized via spatially resolved detection of their fluorescence.

State-to-state Scattering of Metastable CO Molecules from a LiF(100) Surface

Scattering of electronically excited, state-selected metastable CO(a3Pi) molecules from a cleaved LiF(100) surface is studied experimentally. Internal state distributions, fluorescence profiles, Time-Of-Flight (TOF) profiles and angular distributions of the surviving metastable CO molecules are measured. Relative and absolute survival probabilities are determined for various impact velocities. The dependence of translation and rotational temperature on the velocity of the incoming beam unambiguously indicates a direct inelastic scattering process, even though the angular distributions are broad, both in-plane and out-of-plane. The internal state distribution after scattering shows an overpopulation of the initially prepared Omega=1-component relative to the other spin-components.

Scattering of Vibrationally and Electronically Excited CO Molecules from a LiF(100) Surface

Experiments are performed in which vibrationally and electronically excited CO(a3Pi, v=1) molecules are scattered from a LiF(100) surface. As there is originally no population in the vibrationless level of the metastable state, this experiment gives the unique possibility to probe the vibrationally inelastic channel in the scattering of vibrationally excited molecules. The vibrational deactivation probability can thus be accurately determined and is found to be below 10^{-3} for the system under study.

A reanalysis of the k3Pi state of CO

The k3Pi state of the CO molecule is investigated in the region between 91000 and 97000 cm-1 via 1+1 Resonance Enhanced Multiphoton Ionization spectroscopy on CO molecules prepared in a single quantum level of the aPi (v=1) state. A new vibronic band is found which is at lower energy than the vibrational ground state reported in the literature, leading to a reassignment of the vibrational numbering of the k3Pi state. The rotationally resolved spectra of the k3Pi (v=0-6) <-- aPi (v=1, J=1, Omega=1) of 12CO and 13CO have been observed and analyzed, confirming the new vibrational labeling and providing a full set of molecular constants of the k3Pi valence state.

Double-Resonance Spectroscopy on Triplet States of CO

Double-resonance spectroscopy is used to investigate the v'=2 level of the b3Sigma^+ state and perturbing high vibrational levels (v'=40--42) of the a'Sigma^+ state of CO. Single rotational levels in the a3Pi, v=0 state are prepared via laser excitation on the Cameron band around 206 nm. Cavity ring down absorption spectroscopy is used to determine the absolute transition strength of this spin-forbidden transition; a value of A_{0,0}=41 ± 10 s^{-1} is obtained. A laser induced fluorescence study is performed on the metastable triplet state molecules in the region of the 2<--0 band of the Third Positive System of CO. From the analysis of the interacting 3Sigma^+ states deperturbed rotational and vibrational constants as well as interaction parameters of these states are obtained. Franck-Condon factors for the transition from b3Sigma^+, v'=2 and v'=0 to the a3Pi state are obtained from dispersion measurements. 


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Metastable CO and surface scattering / Giel Berden / 2021
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