Molecular Reorientation in Collisions of OH + Ar

Orientational effects in rotationally elastic collisions of OH with Ar were studied in a crossed molecular beam setup. A static electric field was applied to orient the molecules before the collision. After the collision the orientation was measured by using a narrow-band laser system to probe the Stark-split states corresponding to different orientations. Differential and integral cross sections for reorientation of the molecular axis have been determined as a function of the initial orientation. The cross section for reorientation by one quantum is 25 Å2 with a preference for O-end collisions. ©2001 The American Physical Society

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M.C. van Beek, G. Berden, H.L. Bethlem, J.J. ter Meulen. Molecular Reorientation in Collisions of OH + Ar, Physical Review Letters 86 (2001) 4001-4004.

Pulsed Dye Amplifier (left), Ring dye laser (right) crossed molecular beam setup

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For more information mail to Giel Berden (g.berden[nospam]

Giel Berden / 2015
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