Rotationally resolved electronic spectroscopy of CO

State-specific Lifetime Determination of the a3Pi State in CO

Two different techniques have been applied to measure the lifetime of the lowest rotational levels in the metastable a3Pi(v=0,omega=1) state of CO. First, measurement of the absolute absorption cross-section for several absorption lines of the a(v=0)<--X(v=0) transition yields an Einstein coefficient of A_{0,0}=97±3 s^{-1}. In combination with the experimentally determined branching ratios for the a<--X transition, the lifetime of each component of the a3Pi(v=0, omega=1, J=1) Lambda-doublet is determined to be 3.67±0.20 ms. Secondly, detection of the spin-forbidden fluorescence at two positions in the molecular beam downstream from the excitation region as a function of velocity of the molecules directly probes the exponential decay. With this technique the lifetime of the lower component of the same a3Pi(v=0, omega=1, J=1) Lambda-doublet is determined to be 3.4±0.4 ms, while for the upper component a value of 3.8±0.5 ms is found.
R.T. Jongma, G. Berden, and G. Meijer. State-specific lifetime determination of the a3Pi state in CO, J. Chem. Phys. 107 (1997) 7034-7040.

Stark shift measurements of a3Pi CO

A scheme is presented for confinement of neutral molecules in stable orbits on the basis of the linear Stark effect in a properly designed electrostatic trap. Based on Stark shift measurements in electric fields up to 140 kV/cm, an electrode configuration that is, under realistic experimental conditions, capable of confining metastable CO(a3Pi) molecules with velocities up to 22 m/s is described. Metastable CO molecules can be laser-prepared inside the trap and their trajectories can be directly visualized via spatially resolved detection of their fluorescence.
R.T. Jongma, G. von Helden, G. Berden, and G. Meijer. Confining CO molecules in stable orbits. Chem. Phys. Lett. 270 (1997) 304-308.

A reanalysis of the k3Pi state of CO

The k3Pi state of the CO molecule is investigated in the region between 91000 and 97000 cm-1 via 1+1 Resonance Enhanced Multiphoton Ionization spectroscopy on CO molecules prepared in a single quantum level of the aPi (v=1) state. A new vibronic band is found which is at lower energy than the vibrational ground state reported in the literature, leading to a reassignment of the vibrational numbering of the k3Pi state. The rotationally resolved spectra of the k3Pi (v=0-6) <-- aPi (v=1, J=1, Omega=1) of 12CO and 13CO have been observed and analyzed, confirming the new vibrational labeling and providing a full set of molecular constants of the k3Pi valence state.
G. Berden, R.T. Jongma, D. van der Zande, and G. Meijer. A reanalysis of the k3Pi state of CO, J. Chem. Phys. 107 (1997) 8303-8310.

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For more information mail to Giel Berden (g.berden[nospam]

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Spectroscopy of CO / Giel Berden / January 2015
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