Cavity ring down spectroscopy on the oxygen A band in magnetic fields up to 20 Tesla


Rotationally resolved spectra of the b\Sigma (v=0)<-- X\Sigma (v=0) band of molecular oxygen are recorded by cavity ring down (CRD) spectroscopy in magnetic fields up to 20 Tesla. Measurements are performed in a 3 cm long cavity, placed in the homogeneous field region inside a Bitter magnet. CRD absorption spectra are measured with linearly and circularly polarized light, leading to different \Delta M selection rules in the molecular transition, thereby aiding in the assignment of the spectra. Dispersion spectra are obtained by recording the rate of polarization rotation, caused by magnetic circular birefringence, using the Polarization Dependent CRD detection scheme. Matrix elements for the Hamiltonian and for the transition moment are presented on a Hund's case (a) basis in order to calculate the frequencies and intensities of the rotational transitions of the oxygen A band in a magnetic field. All spectral features can be reproduced, even in the highest magnetic fields. The molar magnetic susceptibility of oxygen is calculated as function of the magnetic field strength and the temperature, and a discussion on the alignment of the oxygen molecules in the magnetic field is given.

CRD spectrum of the central part of the A band of molecular oxygen as function of the magnetic field (in Tesla). Right-hand circularly polarized light has been used to excite the molecules. The vertical scale is the same for each spectrum, and has been omitted for clarity. The spectrum measured in the absence of a magnetic field is recorded under different experimental conditions, in order to show the correct line intensities. The transitions from the N=1, J=1, M=+1 level (around 13125 cm-1) and the N=3, J=2, M=+1 level of the X\Sigma (v=0) state towards the N'=J'=2, M'=+2 level of the b\Sigma (v=0) state are indicated by the dashed lines. (expand figure)

CRD spectrum of the central part of the A band of molecular oxygen as function of the magnetic field (in Tesla). Left-hand circularly polarized light has been used to excite the molecules. The vertical scale is the same for each spectrum, and has been omitted for clarity. The spectrum measured in the absence of a magnetic field is recorded under different experimental conditions, in order to show the correct line intensities. The transitions from the N=1, J=1, M=+1 level (around 13125 cm-1) and the N=3, J=2, M=+1 level of the X\Sigma (v=0) state towards the N'=J'=2, M'=0 level of the b\Sigma (v=0) state are indicated by the dashed lines. (expand figure)


Cavity-ring-down spectroscopy on the oxygen A band in magnetic fields up to 20 T
Giel Berden, Richard Engeln, Peter C. M. Christianen, Jan C. Maan, and Gerard Meijer
Physical Review A, Volume 58, Number 4 (1 October 1998), 3114-3123
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For more information mail to Giel Berden (g.berden[nospam]
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Oxygen / Giel Berden / January 2015
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