Authors' suggestion: Near-infrared cavity enhanced absorption spectroscopy in flames (pdf file)
Review paper available: Click here
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See also our Cavity Ring Down webpage
Conference: 13th International User Meeting on Cavity Enhanced Spectroscopy / Madison, USA, 2019

Cavity Enhanced Absorption Spectroscopy


A simple yet sensitive experimental scheme to record high-resolution optical absorption and/or optical rotation spectra of molecules in open air, cells or jets, using ideas from the field of CRD spectroscopy is demonstrated. Light from a narrow band cw laser is coupled into a high-finesse stable optical cavity when accidentally coincident with one of the multitude of modes of this cavity. While rapidly scanning the narrow band laser, the time-integrated intensity exiting the cavity is monitored. Under the conditions that the scanning laser is sufficiently long in resonance with one of the cavity modes that the light intensity inside the cavity approaches its limiting value, the time-integrated light intensity exiting the cavity is in a good approximation proportional to the ring down time $\tau$. Direct absorption spectra and/or optical rotation spectra can therefore be obtained by plotting the inverse of the time-integrated intensity versus the laser frequency. With a single mode laser scanning over typically a 1 cm$^{-1}$ spectral region scanning rates of 5-100 Hz have been employed in this study, yielding high quality spectra in a matter of seconds. The noise equivalent detection limit readily approaches 10$^{-3}$ of the baseline intensity, fully comparable to the best CRD spectra reported to date. As the spectral information is deduced from the time-integrated signal rather than from the time-dependence of the signal it is possible to perform these measurements with relatively low power lasers and cheap detection systems. The techniques have been demonstrated by recording absorption spectra of oxygen, water, and ammonia in a cell, oxygen and ammonia in a jet, and magnetic rotation spectra of oxygen in a cell. (reference)

Near-infrared Cavity Enhanced Absorption spectroscopy of hot water and OH in an oven and flames

A compact diode laser operating around 1.5 micrometer is used to measure CEA spectra of hot water molecules and OH radicals in radiative environments under atmospheric conditions. Spectra of air are measured in an oven at temperatures ranging from 300 K to 1500 K. These spectra contain rovibrational lines from water and OH. The water spectra are compared to simulations from the HITRAN and HITEMP databases. Furthermore, spectra are recorded in the flame of a flat methane/air burner and in an oxyacetylene flame produced by a welding torch. The results show that CEA spectroscopy provides a sensitive method for the rapid monitoring of species in radiative environments.(reference)

 setup for measuring CEA spectra of jet cooled molecules

Open-path trace gas detection of ammonia and water

A compact open-path optical ammonia detector is developed. A tunable external cavity diode laser operating at 1.5 micrometer is used to probe absorptions of ammonia via the Cavity Enhanced Absorption (CEA) technique. The detector is tested in a climate chamber. The sensitivity and linearity of this system is studied for ammonia and water at atmospheric pressure. A cluster of closely spaced rovibrational overtone and combination band transitions, observed as one broad absorption feature, is used for the detection of ammonia. On these molecular transitions a detection limit of 100 ppb (1 s) is determined. The ammonia measurements are calibrated independently with a chemiluminescence monitor. Compared to other optical open-path detection methods in the 1-2 micrometer region, the present result shows an improved sensitivity for contactless ammonia detection by over one order of magnitude. Using the same set-up, a detection-limit of 100 ppm (1 s) is determined for the detection of water at atmospheric pressure. (reference)
 setup for measuring CEA spectra of jet cooled molecules

Cavity enhanced absorption spectroscopy of the 1.5 micrometer band system of jet cooled ammonia

Absorption spectra of rotationally cold ammonia molecules have been recorded in the 6400--6630 cm-1 region, using the cavity enhanced absorption technique in combination with a slit nozzle expansion. Two perpendicular rovibrational bands have been identified; the nu1+nu3 band at 6609 cm-1 , and a band at 6557 cm-1 which is assigned to a transition into the |l|=2 component of the nu1+2nu4 state. (reference)

Cavity Enhanced Absorption spectroscopy in the 10 micrometer region using a waveguide CO2 laser

The cavity enhanced absorption technique is extended into the 10 micrometer region using a line-tunable continuous wave CO2 laser. Part of the laser beam is deflected by an acousto optical modulator (AOM), and is used to excite a mechanically unstable high-finesse optical cavity. In order to assure a stable and optimal transmittance of light through the cavity, the laser frequency and the cavity eigenfrequencies are modulated independently. The time-integrated intensity of the light exiting the cavity, which is inversely proportional to the cavity losses, is measured using a lock-in detection scheme. An absorption detection sensitivity of 1.5*10^{-6} cm-1 Hz^{-1/2} is readily obtained with a rather simple setup.(reference)


Giel Berden (left) and Rudy Peeters

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Cavity ring down spectroscopy

CEA / Giel Berden / 2021
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