Anna Josephina Fien Meerts
(9 JAN 1904
7 JAN 1983
Living Person (Index: 797) Fikse
Wilhelm Fiskaal
Anna Catharina Fitzen
(ABT 1815
Living Person (Index: 800) Flentge
Living Person (Index: 801) Florax
Living Person (Index: 802) Ford
Albertus Marinus Foulon
Karel Antonius Edward Foulon
(7 MAR 1914
29 NOV 1979
Theodora Geertruida Foulon
( ... -
Abe Fox
(ABT 1894
AFT 1953
Frank Fox
( ... -
Jeannette Fox
(ABT 1893
AFT 1953
Living Person (Index: 806) Fox
Living Person (Index: 807) Fox
Living Person (Index: 809) Fox
Living Person (Index: 813) Fox
Louis Fox
(ABT 1896
AFT 1953
Rollie Fox
( ... -
BEF 1953
Wilbur Fox
( ... -
BEF 1953
Living Person (Index: 815) Franken
Living Person (Index: 816) Franken
Living Person (Index: 817) Franken
Conrardus Franssen
Leonardus Franssen
Cecilia Fredericks
(27 MAR 1731
2 OCT 1781
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