Maria Sophia Ruijters
Catharina Wilhelmina Ruikers
(ABT 1855
BEF 1896
Stephanus Ruisenaars
(29 JAN 1719
AFT MAR 1790
Jacob Ruiter
(23 FEB 1845
27 OCT 1873
Jacob Ruiter
(29 OCT 1873
Jantje Ruiter
(6 AUG 1864
Jent Ruiter
(12 DEC 1871
Jinte Of Jente Harms Ruiter
( ... -
Anton Rust
(24 AUG 1878
7 MAY 1924
Sannetje Rutgers
Geertrudis (Geertrui) Rutjes
(26 AUG 1779
22 OCT 1848
Paulus Rutjes
(20 JUL 1733
22 FEB 1811
Maria Ruts
(BEF 1673
Petrus Josephus Ruts
(30 AUG 1818
29 APR 1872
Gilles Rutsaert
Jacob Jan Gerrijtsz Ruychrock
(ABT 1450
AUG 1500
Anna Catharina Ruys
( ... -
Gudeln Ryckland
( ... -
Blande Rys
(ABT 1660
27 FEB 1687
Jaques Rys
(ABT 1615
Living Person (Index: 10564) Saar
Johan Joachim Christoffel Sabel
27 AUG 1832
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