Jan Overdulve
(ABT 1670
Stoffelijntje Meertens Overdulve
(28 APR 1723
Marie Catherine Overputte
(ABT 1700
Marie Joseph Overputte
Cornelis Maertensz Overvest
( ... -
BEF 1607
Cornelis Cornelisz Overvest Van Rietbroeck
(ABT 1603
24 NOV 1680
Roelofje Oving
Jan Paas
(10 DEC 1847
4 AUG 1912
Jan Paas
( ... -
Jantje Paas
( ... -
Living Person (Index: 9517) Paenen
Living Person (Index: 9518) Paenen
Christanus Paesman
(12 OCT 1804
Francois Paesman
(ABT 1775
Guillaume Paesman
(ABT 1810
Joannes Baptista Paesman
(30 JAN 1808
Johannes Baptist Paesman
(6 MAR 1833
Johannes Baptist Paesman
( ... -
BEF 1791
Donald Philip Pageotte
(27 MAY 1926
8 AUG 2010
Anne Marie Palm
(15 AUG 1769
23 MAY 1855
Jeanne Catherine Palm
(30 SEP 1781
19 MAR 1816
Louis Palm
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