Marie Gertrudis Meers
(14 AUG 1777
9 MAY 1846
Andreas Meert
(27 OCT 1830
18 FEB 1889
Anna Catherina Meert
(11 MAY 1836
Bartholomeus Meert
(27 DEC 1859
4 MAY 1862
Cornelius Emillius Meert
(2 MAY 1902
2 AUG 1902
Cornelius Meert
( ... -
Domien Meert
Egidius Meert
(9 MAR 1865
Elisabeth Meert
(18 JUN 1874
Emilie Meert
Franciscus Meert
(15 NOV 1857
3 DEC 1857
Franciscus Meert
(31 MAR 1879
Francois Leopold Meert
Francois Meert
(17 JAN 1906
9 JUN 1964
Gertrudis Meert
( ... -
Guiliemus Meert
(14 AUG 1891
Jacobus Meert
Jacobus Meert
(27 JUN 1847
Jaques Meert
(6 SEP 1787
26 DEC 1863
Jean Baptiste Meert
(JAN 1833
Jean Meert
(8 FEB 1811
Jeanette Meert
(8 MAY 1893
3 MAY 1976
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