Eugene Legraive
(15 AUG 1829
Jean Baptiste Legraive
(24 OCT 1791
3 MAR 1869
Rosalie Legraive
(18 AUG 1861
Alexandrine Legrand
(JUN 1775
13 JUL 1838
Isabeau Legreve
BEF 24 OCT 1585
Francoise Ghislaine Lehert
(20 OCT 1827
21 NOV 1883
Aaltien Leisting (Lijsting ??)
( ... -
Katharina Leitner
Aime-Nicolas Lejeune
(30 JUN 1883
5 APR 1950
Francoise Lejeune
(15 OCT 1660
Gerard Lejeune
(11 JAN 1628
Nicolas Lejeune
(ABT 1595
1 SEP 1652
Nicolas Louis Lejeune
(3 SEP 1837
10 FEB 1915
Pere Lejeune
(ABT 1575
Evariste Ghislain Lelievre
(13 SEP 1858
Mathias Joseph Lelievre
(BEF 1821
Maria Cornelisse Leliveld
(ABT 1665
AFT 1736
Winanda Leliveld
( ... -
BEF 1756
Living Person (Index: 6216) Lelong
Marceau Jean Lemaire
Francois Lembor
( ... -
20 JUL 1722
Marie Isabelle Lembor
(30 SEP 1711
13 JUL 1768
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