Jakobje Hommes
(26 OCT 1859
27 NOV 1859
Jakobje Hommes
(28 SEP 1860
17 MAY 1883
Jan Hommes
(19 APR 1865
18 MAY 1866
Jan Hommes
(13 AUG 1869
21 MAR 1876
Jan Hommes
(26 SEP 1868
23 JUN 1873
Jan Hommes
(25 JUL 1887
Jan Hommes
(13 DEC 1874
18 APR 1880
Jan Hommes
(23 APR 1864
10 APR 1867
Jantje Hommes
(10 NOV 1876
Johannes Hommes
(4 MAY 1872
14 JUL 1912
Marcus Hommes
(26 APR 1857
17 JAN 1928
Margien Hommes
(5 JUL 1845
5 JAN 1906
Margje Hommes
(21 JAN 1838
23 JUL 1838
Nn Hommes
(3 MAR 1867
3 MAR 1867
Nn Hommes
(25 MAR 1874
25 MAR 1874
Pieter Reinder Hommes
(30 AUG 1870
Reinder Hommes
(ABT 1842
Willem Hommes
(16 MAR 1849
11 APR 1884
Jan Hommes ( Geb. Alberts )
(22 JUL 1806
28 FEB 1882
Egbert Geerts Hommes ( Geb. Geerts )
(14 DEC 1805
13 MAY 1875
Johanna Lendert? Hompes
Veronique Hoogbosch
( ... -
27 AUG 1824
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