Antoon Geysens
(7 MAY 1772
10 FEB 1846
Judocus Gheraerts
(7 APR 1695
25 MAY 1776
Petronella Gheraerts
(24 JUN 1721
Machteld Ghijsbrechtsdr
31 JUL 1569
Edouard Adolphe Ghion
(22 OCT 1826
18 FEB 1906
Jean Ghion
(BEF 1762
BEF 1811
Louise Aimee Ghislaine Ghion
(10 JAN 1858
Michel Joseph Ghion
(9 FEB 1782
14 MAR 1854
Egidius Ghysels
(28 OCT 1792
Guillaume Ghysels
5 NOV 1792
Joannes Josephus Ghysels
( ... -
13 AUG 1877
Josijne Ghysels
Maria Ghysels
(9 NOV 1798
15 APR 1834
Maria Theresia Ghysels
Philippus Ghysels
(22 JUL 1856
Louise Gielisjans
( ... -
Sara Gijsberechtsz
(10 MAR 1624
Jacoba Gijsbers
( ... -
Klasina Wilhelmina Gijsbers
Jan Gijsberts
(ABT 1677
7 JUN 1772
Anastatia Gijsen
(1 APR 1873
Egidius Gilbert
(12 SEP 1793
26 JUL 1866
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