Maria Denayer
Maria Theresia Denayer
Marie Anne Denayer
(9 FEB 1832
Marie Denayer
(13 NOV 1786
Marie Denayer
Marie Elisabeth Denayer
(10 SEP 1777
Marie Elisabeth Denayer
(13 SEP 1810
Mattheus Denayer
( ... -
Michaelis Denayer
(22 AUG 1698
Nicolas Denayer
20 JAN 1802
Nicolas Denayer
(2 FEB 1730
27 NOV 1804
Petronella Denayer
(3 MAR 1772
Petrus Denayer
(5 SEP 1750
30 SEP 1800
Petrus Denayer
(27 APR 1625
25 DEC 1710
Petrus Denayer
(ABT 1655
Petrus Denayer
Petrus Denayer
Petrus Denayer
(ABT 1685
Petrus Denayer
( ... -
26 NOV 1684
Petrus Denayer
( ... -
21 JUN 1759
Petrus Denayer
Philippe Jean Denayer
(1 MAY 1784
8 JUN 1816
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