Francis Wassen
Francis Wassen
(6 SEP 1815
Stefanus Wassen
(27 DEC 1848
21 OCT 1922
Georgius Egbertus Wechmer
(7 APR 1673
Joannes Antonius Wechmer
Anna Weeres
Maria Lamberdina Weijs
Living Person (Index: 2978) Weinandt
Johannes Gotfried Wel
(7 MAY 1799
31 JUL 1832
Living Person (Index: 2979) Welters
Eva Catharina Welz
Maria Ida Hubertina Wenmaekers
(2 SEP 1815
14 SEP 1851
Petrus Theodorus Wenmaekers
(26 AUG 1781
29 MAR 1846
Anna Mechtilda Wernaerts
29 APR 1816
Jean Werner
( ... -
Maria Agneta Wernert
( ... -
Living Person (Index: 2985) Westerhof
Roelof Carolus Johannes Westerhof
Wilhelmina Johanna Wetten
(11 JUL 1912
15 OCT 1988
Living Person (Index: 2987) Wierdsma
Living Person (Index: 2988) Wierdsma
Living Person (Index: 2989) Wiese
Living Person (Index: 2990) Wiese
Living Person (Index: 2991) Wiese
Living Person (Index: 2992) Wiese
Living Person (Index: 2993) Wiese
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