Living Person (Index: 2700) Spetgens
Living Person (Index: 2703) Spetgens
Living Person (Index: 2707) Spetgens
Maria Elisabeth Leonie Spetgens
(18 NOV 1913
Peter Mathijs Spetgens
(21 JUN 1908
23 APR 1991
Gertrude Spirings
Johan Baptist Gerardus Sroyen
(ABT 1755
Antoon Staaks
(ABT 1764
23 MAY 1839
Gerard Staaks
(ABT 1735
Mechtildis Staaks
(ABT 1774
14 APR 1849
Antonius Staeckx
(8 JAN 1766
Gerardus Staeckx
(ABT 1732
26 MAY 1796
Andreas Staeks
(3 DEC 1806
30 MAY 1866
Willem Staeks
(ABT 1769
11 AUG 1828
Willem Staeks
(12 DEC 1768
11 AUG 1828
Petronel Staekx
(ABT 1763
20 APR 1836
Living Person (Index: 2712) Stals
Willem Stals
Living Person (Index: 2714) Stangeland
Peter Paul Stapmans
Sibilla Catharina Stapmans
(27 SEP 1824
Mathias Steeghs
Gertrudis Stemkens
(21 MAR 1797
Living Person (Index: 2719) Stemkens
Petronella Stemkens
Margaretha Stevens
(5 JAN 1777
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