Antonius Gerardus Meerts
(5 APR 1661
29 APR 1719
Antonius Hubertus Meerts
(17 JUL 1897
29 FEB 1972
Antonius Meerts
(18 MAY 1731
Antonius Meerts
(9 MAR 1740
Antonius Meerts
(17 JAN 1747
Antonius Meerts
(27 NOV 1734
Antonius Meerts
(28 FEB 1739
Arnold Meerts
(23 FEB 1840
17 OCT 1921
Arnoldus Henricus Meerts
(17 AUG 1912
Arnoldus Meerts
(13 SEP 1700
8 OCT 1747
Arnoldus Meerts
(26 MAR 1760
23 DEC 1830
Arnoldus Meerts
(NOV 1757
28 NOV 1833
Arnoldus Meerts
(26 MAY 1805
Barbara Meerts
(7 APR 1620
Barbara Meerts
(ABT 1677
Barend Hendrik Meerts
(9 APR 1922
Cacilia Meerts
( ... -
Casparis Meerts
(18 JUN 1775
4 JUL 1775
Catharina Hubertina Meerts
(29 DEC 1907
Catharina Margaretha Meerts
(29 MAR 1909
10 OCT 1999
Catharina Meerts
(17 MAY 1759
23 MAR 1763
Catharina Meerts
(ABT 1760
18 JUN 1786
Catharina Meerts
(28 APR 1805
29 FEB 1880
Catharina Meerts
(14 JAN 1692
17 APR 1752
Catharina Meerts
(7 SEP 1810
10 DEC 1818
Catharina Meerts
(12 NOV 1762
11 SEP 1772
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