Wilhelmus Ludovicus Hubertus Kramer
Machtildus Krebbers
Jan Kreklberg
Maria Anna Kreklberg
Living Person (Index: 1289) Kremer
Living Person (Index: 1290) Kremer
Living Person (Index: 1291) Kremer
Living Person (Index: 1292) Kremer
Living Person (Index: 1293) Kremer
Anna Mechtilde Kremers
(10 OCT 1850
Living Person (Index: 1295) Kreutz
Living Person (Index: 1296) Kreutzer
Anna Maria Krien
Living Person (Index: 1298) Krings
Living Person (Index: 1299) Krukel
Living Person (Index: 1300) Krukel
Maria Catharina Kruyen
(9 FEB 1767
30 DEC 1847
Anna Maria Kruytzer
Living Person (Index: 1303) Kruytzer
Alijda Elizabeth Agatha Kubbinga
Johanna Kuhnen
Allegonda Kuijpers
Living Person (Index: 1307) Kuijpers
Living Person (Index: 1308) Kuipers
Cornelia Maria Kuiters
Maria Kurstjens
12 MAR 1723
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