Pleuntje Jorryts Jorrytsma
Derisgen Josten
( ... -
Ludovicus Josten
(ABT 1773
Living Person (Index: 1235) Jr.
Living Person (Index: 1236) Justen
Thoma Jutten
Maria Kaeris
Maria Theodora Wilhelmina Kamphuys
(27 DEC 1846
13 JAN 1919
Maria Kappel
Living Person (Index: 1243) Kempff
Helena Kessels
(13 JAN 1643
Joannes Kessels
(ABT 1618
Margaretha Kessels
(3 DEC 1821
Petrus Kessels
(6 FEB 1711
Reijnerus Kessels
(5 MAR 1751
Wilhelmus Kessels
(ABT 1680
8 JUL 1768
Willem Kessels
Johannes Ketelaers
(16 JAN 1642
20 SEP 1702
Baethen Ketelers
( ... -
Joanna Ketelers
(ABT 1618
Johannes Ketelers
Anna Maria Keulen
Joannes Franciscus Keulen
(SEP 1738
Living Person (Index: 1256) Keymis
Johanna Dorethea Kirchbacher
(31 OCT 1779
8 FEB 1855
Franciscus Josephs Martinus Klaasen
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