Lloyd Glen Brandsma
(8 APR 1914
Marie Abes Brandsma
(30 APR 1882
22 OCT 1912
Marie Abes Brandsma
(10 DEC 1876
8 MAY 1878
Martha Amelia Brandsma
(9 FEB 1912
Milo Brandsma
(22 AUG 1901
1 MAR 1988
Pearle Brandsma
(3 JUL 1904
13 DEC 1996
Peter Brandsma
(25 MAY 1910
Pleuntje Abes Brandsma
(28 MAY 1873
Verla Brandsma
(23 SEP 1931
23 SEP 1931
Walter C. Brandsma
(11 JAN 1920
20 MAR 1997
Willem Adriaan Brandt
Willem Brandt
Gertrudis Brangers
Living Person (Index: 324) Brangers
Living Person (Index: 325) Brankcart
Joannes Bret
(ABT 1611
Helena Hubertina Breuken
(24 JAN 1835
Living Person (Index: 329) Breukers
Living Person (Index: 330) Breukers
Living Person (Index: 331) Breukers
Jan Briels
(19 SEP 1821
Pieter Briels
Maria Catharina Brils
Living Person (Index: 335) Brodie
Living Person (Index: 336) Brodie
Living Person (Index: 337) Brodie
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