Jurrianus Niholt
(ABT 1859
Maria Cornelia Niholt
(22 JAN 1891
6 MAY 1959
Elisabeth Nijburger (jkvr.)
(ABT 1480
Henrica Nijburger (jkvr.)
Nicolaas Nijburger (jkhr.)
( ... -
Ebelina Nijdam
( ... -
Jantje Nijdam
(5 MAR 1851
Albert Jacobus Nijeboer
(27 OCT 1919
7 DEC 1988
Living Person (Index: 9033) Nijeboer
Jan Nijen-Huijsinge
(7 JUL 1678
Willem Jans Nijen-Huijsinge
(13 JUN 1680
Grietjen Jans Nijenhuijsinge (Huisinge)
(4 FEB 1683
Annigjen Nijenhuis
( ... -
Willemijntje Nijenhuis
( ... -
Jan Nijesmits
(ABT 1750
Aaltje Nijhoff
(2 DEC 1899
Hendrik Nijhoff
(24 JUN 1902
Marchje Nijland
( ... -
Jantien Nijmeijer
(3 MAR 1830
27 SEP 1901
Roelof Nijmeijer
Catharine Nijs
A.a. Nijsen
( ... -
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