Catharina Antonia Meerts
Catharina Josephina Meerts
(21 MAR 1873
Catharina Ludovica Meerts
(30 MAR 1898
Catharina Meerts
(24 FEB 1780
Catharina Meerts
(26 MAR 1722
Catharina Meerts
(28 JAN 1718
6 MAY 1745
Catharina Meerts
(9 SEP 1737
Catharina Meerts
(23 JAN 1752
11 SEP 1821
Catharina Meerts
(2 OCT 1743
Catharina Meerts
(13 JAN 1798
8 FEB 1832
Catharina Meerts
Catharina Meerts
(27 JUL 1899
Catharina Meerts
(15 JUN 1666
17 OCT 1747
Catharina Meerts
(24 JAN 1573
Catharina Meerts
(ABT 1755
Catharina Meerts
(ABT 1802
Catharina Meerts
(21 OCT 1713
Catharina Meerts
(25 NOV 1683
19 APR 1756
Catharina Meerts
(ABT 1609
Catharina Meerts
(ABT APR 1889
3 AUG 1892
Catharina Meerts
(5 MAY 1649
Catharina Meerts
(BEF 3 MAY 1784
3 MAY 1793
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