Julien Leopold Fauchart
(11 SEP 1877
29 NOV 1956
Marie Marguerite Fauchart
(8 JUL 1909
2 APR 1990
Jean Baptiste Fauconneur
(24 DEC 1849
Marie Ghislaine Fauconneur
(3 JUN 1880
Jan Faut
(4 JAN 1907
20 MAY 1977
Living Person (Index: 3412) Faut
Living Person (Index: 3413) Faut
Living Person (Index: 3414) Faut
Living Person (Index: 3416) Faut
Living Person (Index: 3417) Faut
Antonia Feas Aerts Feasdochter
Hendrik Felis
(25 JUL 1784
4 JUL 1842
Joanna Felis
( ... -
Josse Felix
(5 MAY 1738
11 DEC 1800
Marie Lutgarde Felix
(23 JUN 1777
28 AUG 1855
Catharina Pieternella Fens
Geertje Ferwerda
( ... -
Johanna Jacoba Cornelia Fest
(13 MAR 1862
22 OCT 1937
Peter Fest
( ... -
Catharina Rosalia Maria Fets
(1 MAR 1890
19 OCT 1971
Catherina Feyen
( ... -
25 SEP 1872
Sylvie Fiefvez
(23 MAY 1827
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