Marie Caroline Coenraets
(5 FEB 1764
29 JAN 1816
Nicolas Joseph Coenraets
(ABT 1732
Living Person (Index: 1843) Coffy
Living Person (Index: 1844) Coffy
Living Person (Index: 1845) Coffy
Marie Josephine Colette
(4 NOV 1866
21 JUL 1896
Mathie Leonard Colette
(ABT 1835
Adrianus Joseph Collee
10 NOV 1882
Anna Maria Collee
(20 DEC 1900
Anna Wilhelmina Collee
(7 APR 1884
14 JUL 1884
Antonia Collee
(2 APR 1888
11 OCT 1957
Antonia Josephina Collee
(5 FEB 1912
20 DEC 1961
Antonia Petronella Collee
(12 MAR 1877
29 JUL 1877
Christiaan Bernardus Alexander Collee
(19 MAY 1844
7 MAR 1899
Christianus Adrianus Collee
(19 JAN 1880
BEF 1926
Christianus Collee
( ... -
Elisabeth Maria Gesina Collee
(12 MAR 1877
28 JUL 1877
Franciscus Christianus Collee
(14 OCT 1910
24 NOV 1967
Gulielmus Collee
(ABT 1812
Helena Collee
(30 MAY 1922
SEP 1967
Hendricus Josphus Collee
5 OCT 1881
Hendrika Collee
( ... -
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