Josina Breedijk
(4 NOV 1801
Klaas Breedijk
(17 SEP 1752
Marigje Breedijk
(6 MAY 1781
Neeltje Breedijk
(16 MAR 1755
Willem Breedijk
(17 DEC 1721
Willem Breedijk
(23 FEB 1723
Wouter Breedijk
(13 OCT 1717
Zeegert Breedijk
(5 MAY 1784
Janna Breekelmans
(ABT 1760
Angele Marie Bregon
(8 SEP 1901
18 NOV 1970
Maria Bremer
( ... -
Maria Barbara Breugelmans
(8 FEB 1808
8 DEC 1881
Jeanne Louise Bricart
( ... -
1 JUL 1766
Maria Bril
(7 AUG 1844
Willem Lodewijk Michel Bril
(ABT 1820
Berendina Margaretha Brink
(15 DEC 1883
Grietien Brinks
( ... -
Living Person (Index: 1394) Brisaert
Living Person (Index: 1395) Brittijn
Living Person (Index: 1396) Brittijn
Living Person (Index: 1397) Brittijn
Living Person (Index: 1398) Brittijn
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