Cavity Enhanced Absorption Spectroscopy in a flame: detection of OH radicals and water molecules in flames

A compact diode laser operating around 1.5 micrometer is used to measure CEA spectra of hot water molecules and OH radicals in radiative environments under atmospheric conditions. Spectra of air are measured in an oven at temperatures ranging from 300 K to 1500 K. These spectra contain rovibrational lines from water and OH. The water spectra are compared to simulations from the HITRAN and HITEMP databases. Furthermore, spectra are recorded in the flame of a flat methane/air burner and in an oxyacetylene flame produced by a welding torch. The results show that CEA spectroscopy provides a sensitive method for the rapid monitoring of species in radiative environments.(reference)


Cavity ring down spectroscopy

CEAS in flames / Giel Berden / 2021
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