Software EASY-GOING deconvolution

In Short...

EASY-GOING deconvolution (EGdeconv) is a fast and accurate fit program for deconvolution of one-dimensional solid-state quadrupole NMR spectra of powdered materials. Computational costs of the synthesis of theoretical spectra are reduced by the use of libraries containing simulated time/frequency domain data. These libraries are calculated once and with the use of second-party simulation software to ensure a maximum flexibility and accuracy with respect to experimental conditions. EGdeconv is equipped with evolutionary algorithms that provide robust many-parameter fitting and offers efficient parallellised computing. The program supports quantification of relative chemical site abundances and (dis)order in the solid-state by incorporation of (extended) Czjzek and order parameter models.

NEW: The EASY-GOING deconvolution (EGdeconv) program is extended to enable fast and automated fitting of multiple quantum magic angle spinning (MQMAS) spectra guided by evolutionary algorithms. We implemented an analytical crystallite excitation model for spectrum simulation. Currently these efficiencies are limited to two-pulse and z-filtered 3QMAS spectra of spin 3/2 and 5/2 nuclei, whereas for higher spin-quantum numbers ideal excitation is assumed. The analytical expressions are explained in full to avoid ambiguity and facilitate others to use them. The EGdeconv program can fit interaction parameter distributions. It currently includes a Gaussian distribution for the chemical shift and an (extended) Czjzek distribution for the quadrupolar interaction. We provide three case studies to illustrate EGdeconv capabilities for fitting MQMAS spectra.

At the start please note

  1. © Copyright 2002/2016. Leo Meerts and Michael Schmitt
    The usage of the EGdeconv program for 1D fits is free if reference is made to: Dennis L.A.G. Grimminck, Ben J.W. Polman, Arno P.M. Kentgens and W. Leo Meerts. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 211 (2011) 114-120. © 2011 Elsevier Science. The original publication is available at doi: 10.1016/j.jmr.2011.04.009
    For the MQMAS-option reference should be made to: Dennis L. A. G. Grimminck, Bas van Meerten, Margriet H. W. Verkuijlen, Ernst R. H. van Eck, W. Leo Meerts, and Arno P. M. Kentgens. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 228 (2013) 116-124. © 2013 Elsevier Science. The original publication is available at doi: 10.1016/j.jmr.2012.12.012
  2. Multi processor setup is supported for parallel computing.
  3. The EGdeconv program is as it is; No additional support can be expected from the authors.
  4. The program EGdeconv will ONLY be supplied for ubuntu 10.04 LTS, 12.04 LTS and 14.04 LTS, running on a single or multi core processor. No garantee can be given for other linux versions.


The package consists of the following files:

EGdeconvPackage2.70-14.04 The full self extracting and installing package, containing all the files, two examples and the manual for ubuntu 14.04 LTS (115 Mbyte).
EGdeconvPackage2.70-12.04 The full self extracting and installing package, containing all the files, two examples and the manual for ubuntu 12.04 LTS (115 Mbyte).
EGdeconvPackage2.70-10.04 The full self extracting and installing package, containing all the files, two examples and the manual for ubuntu 10.04 (117 Mbyte).
manual_EGdeconv.pdf The manual of the EGdeconv program can be downloaded separately (2 Mbyte).
EGdeconvExamples2.70 More examples are found in this selfextracting file (410 Mbyte).
read_mqmas_binary.m MATLAB files to read the binary and ascii output of a MQMAS calculation
README-EGdeconv.installed The README-EGdeconv.installed-file contains the minimal information and is available after download and installation of the package.
ga-ubuntu-fix-libs This installs the c- and tc-shells and possible missing libraries, like those of openmpi, necessary to run the EGdeconv script. This is done automatically at the installation. A program to display and manipulate spectra (useful for the 1D spectra only). Only a Windows version is available. However within Linux it can be used as well with the wine application. See the EGdeconv manual for details. This program has its own licence agreement.
EGdeconvPackage2.60 The old version without the MQMAS option (154 Mbyte). This version has been tested on the Linux operation systems: Fedora 9, 10 and 11, Ubuntu 10.04 LTS and openSUSE 11.3. However, the authors only garantee support for 64-bit Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, running on a single or multiple core processor.


To fully install the program (version 2.70) and run a first test calculation, it is sufficient to download EGdeconvPackage2.70

1. You should place this file in a chosen installation directory. All paths given below are relative to the chosen installation directory. Now install the EGdeconv-program with:

chmod 700 EGdeconvPackage2.70

2. Adjust the path of your system: Check for this EGdeconv2.70/README-EGdeconv.installed.

3. After a restart of your terminal session or PC or a rehash you can run the first test (see manual chapter X.B.1):

cd EGdeconv2.70/solidstateNMR/1D/YAG
EGdeconv YAG.ini

The output is placed in the directory: EGdeconv2.70/solidstateNMR/1D/YAG/logs

The MQMAS option can be tested with:

cd EGdeconv2.70/solidstateNMR/MQMAS/rbno3
EGdeconv rbno3_ideal.ini

The output is placed in the directory: EGdeconv2.70/solidstateNMR/MQMAS/rbno3/logs

4. More examples can be studied by downloading the file EGdeconvExamples2.70 and installing it, again from the chosen installation directory (see 1.):

chmod 700 EGdeconvExamples2.70

Future updates

For a future update you have to download the latest version (X.yz) of EGdeconvpackageX.yz and repeat the above installation steps 1 and 2. If you are updating you should also remove the older reference to EGdeconv from the path. If you are running your linux computer from a desktop you might have to reboot it in order to reset the path.


Documentation and reference papers are found in the directory EGdeconv2.70/doc


Remarks and questions to W. Leo.Meerts
Last update: 12-Aug-2015